
Recruitment Manager


The Recruitment Manager is responsible for the following:

Updating and Designing Procedures

  • Updating current procedures: Review and update existing recruiting procedures, including job application and onboarding processes, to ensure efficiency and alignment with company needs.
  • Designing new procedures: Design and implement new recruiting procedures that optimize the sourcing, screening, and selection of candidates.

Team Supervision and Performance Reporting

  • Supervising the recruiting team: Provide guidance and leadership to the recruiting team, overseeing their activities and ensuring adherence to established procedures.
  • Performance reporting: Monitor and report on the performance of the recruiting team, including key metrics such as time-to-hire and cost-per-hire.

Sourcing and Recruitment Methods

  • Implementing new sourcing methods: Identify and implement innovative sourcing methods, including social recruiting and Boolean searches, to attract qualified candidates.
  • Reviewing recruitment software: Evaluate recruitment software options and recommend the best solution based on the company's needs.
  • Job advertising: Research and select appropriate job advertising options to reach potential candidates effectively.

Hiring Process and Employer Branding

  • Interviewing techniques: Advise hiring managers on effective interviewing techniques to ensure the selection of high-quality candidates.
  • Employer branding: Recommend strategies to enhance the company's employer brand, attracting top talent and improving candidate experience.
  • Forecasting future hiring needs: Collaborate with department managers to forecast future hiring needs and develop proactive recruitment strategies.

Compliance and Networking

  • Labor legislation: Stay up-to-date on labor legislation and inform recruiters and managers about relevant changes in regulations.
  • Job fairs and career events: Participate in job fairs and career events to network and attract potential candidates.
  • Building professional network: Build and maintain relationships with HR professionals, colleges, and other partners to expand the company's professional network.


The ideal candidate for the role of Recruitment Manager should have the following qualifications:

  • Proven work experience: Demonstrated experience as a Recruiting Manager, Recruitment Consultant, or Recruiting Coordinator.
  • Applicant Tracking Systems and HR databases: Hands-on experience with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and HR databases to manage candidate data effectively.
  • Knowledge of labor legislation: Familiarity with labor legislation and its implications for the recruitment process.
  • Interviewing and candidate evaluation: Experience conducting both phone and in-person interviews, as well as screening and evaluating candidates.
  • Social media and professional networks: Familiarity with social media platforms and other professional networks (such as GitHub) for candidate sourcing.
  • Communication and team management: Excellent verbal and written communication skills, along with strong team management abilities.
  • Decision-making skills: Strong decision-making skills to make informed judgments during the recruitment process.
  • Education: Bachelor's degree (BSc) in Human Resources Management or Organizational Psychology.

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